A Way Forward - Podcast Trailer
Hi there. I'm Jessica Samuels, and I'm so excited to tell you that I've partnered with CMHA Kelowna to bring you a new podcast called A Way Forward presented by Beam Credit Union. This podcast will focus on the issues that are wearing on all of our mental health and impacting the broader community. Topics like youth mental health, men's mental health, housing affordability, grief, loss, stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. Each episode, we will break down one of these topics.
Jessica Samuels:We'll discuss the core factors and the societal factors that have brought us here. We'll also review practices that are taking place across communities all across our province and elsewhere that are really helping us to manage these mental health obstacles that we're facing every day. This podcast will leave you with a deeper understanding of these complex issues and how it relates to our collective well-being. We'll cover resources and tools so you can find a better way forward. Please join us for A Way Forward presented by Beem Credit Union.
Jessica Samuels:You'll find this podcast on all major listening platforms, and for more information, you can go to cmhakelowna.org. I can't wait to bring you a way forward.